
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Be Social.

This might be a good first read in my blog. 

I have been writing since I was in high school. Been in and out of the school's official paper. Used to writing feature stories, meeting the deadlines, having your article cut off from an issue.

I wasn't so sure what happened so important that I killed my writing skills. Oh wait, I had a family. 

Having my own family is so wonderful and sometimes exhausting (more on that next time) made me one of those people you call "social media slaves". Although yes, blogging is considered a form of social media but we usually fall in love with the quickies: 140 characters, what's on your mind, how do you feel type of thing. Once in a while it feels great to actually go beyond the maximum characters that these social media sites offer us. It's like going further and actually starting to mold your creativity. 

Be social. Exist for a purpose.

I am very fond of giving great opinions. If you are a friend of mine, you would agree with me. It's like I'm Carrie Bradshaw sometimes. Too many thoughts. Too many research. Too many experience. Too many shoes (lol). But this time, I wanted to be where Ms. Bradshaw would probably not go: Marriage, Parenting, Business, Health, Religion.

So here's to a new start, new point of view, new challenge.



1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you're writing again. Congratulations on the new blog. I'll look forward to reading more from you. ;)
